Behzad Imanian, Illinois Institute of Technology
Behzad Imanian
Research Assistant Professor; Leader IFSH HTS Initiative
Illinois Institute of Technology

Research Assistant Professor, FSN

Project Leader, IFSH HTS Initiative, Illinois Tech

BSC. Cell Biology & Genetics, Minor in English Literature

MSc. Genetics, PhD Botany, UBC, Canada

Prior to acquiring his doctorate degree, Dr. Behzad Imanian worked as a computational biologist and research fellow in the Genome Sciences Center, BC Cancer Agency, Canada. During this time, he contributed to the quality control of sequencing of the Bovine and Spruce genome and transcriptome sequencing and the Pleiades Promoter Projects. His PhD and postdoctoral research explored the genomic consequences of a long-term endosymbiosis in dinotoms.

Since March 2016, he has been leading the High-Throughput Sequencing (HTS) Initiative in the Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH), at Illinois Tech (IIT).